a conversation about mental health
Resources & support

Though a response to mental health has always been a part of the Church’s calling, the growing brokenness, confusion, and despair throughout our community and world has made that response all the more critical. This page is dedicated to resources and support for all those in need.

Resources from our Local schools

for links from fuller youth institute

Connection between church participation

next steps

  1. If you have an emergency situation, call 911.

  2. The North Central Health Care Crisis Hotline is 715-845-4326 or 800-799-0122.
    They are the primary resource in our community for mental health crisis care.

  3. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 800-273-8255.
    You can visit their website at https://www.norcen.org.

  4. If you would like to have a conversation about your mental health or that of someone you care about,
    please contact Jim Gates at the church at 715-359-6467 or jim@covenantcommunitypc.org.

  5. If you are looking for a support group, visit Celebrate Recovery, a Christ-Centered 12 step program of our congregation.
    Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday night at 7pm here at CCPC.
    Contact Jim Gates with questions at 715-359-6467 or jim@covenantcommunitypc.org.

speaking with a professional

In this episode of our Kingdom Visions interview series, Jim Gates sits down with CCPC member and mental healthcare professional, Rachel Zentner. Rachel shares her experience of melding her faith in Christ with an expertise in the human mind, its frailty, and its beauty. Click the video to learn more about the exploration, identification, and healing that can take place within counseling.