The Gospel of Matthew, Part Three


Matthew 14-20

In Matthew 14, we hear about the murder of John the Baptist, which has a profound impact upon Jesus.  Yet as Jesus tries to get away from the crowds to mourn, the crowds follow, desperate for what only Jesus can provide.  We find, in this moment, a powerful juxtaposition between the humanity of Jesus, expressed in his desire for privacy and his grief, and the divinity of Jesus, manifested in the feeding of the 5,000 and walking on water.  

The following chapter includes several unfamiliar or confusing stories, including the account of the Canaanite woman and a second feeding miracle, the feeding of the 4,000.  What part of this section most confused you?  How did it relate to the stories in chapter 16?

Jesus first mentions his impending death and resurrection in Matthew 16, and again in chapter 17.  Each time, the foretelling of Easter is paired with a powerful affirmation of Jesus’ identity and divinity.  Why does Jesus reveal his future in this way?

Matthew 18 is the fourth sermon in the Gospel.  What is the major theme of this sermon?  

In Chapters 19-20, Jesus leaves Galilee and begins to move towards Jerusalem and Palm Sunday.  How do you see Jesus preparing the disciples for Holy Week in this section?


Matthew 21-28

These final chapters cover the last week of Jesus’ life.  Considering reading a portion each day as a means of walking with Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter.  Join us for worship on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday as well.  Walk with Jesus, but with eyes set on the resurrection!

Grace and Peace,
